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Monthly Revenue Management Support & Pricing
How do we do it?
This service is designed for Independent Hotels/Motels. We Boost Occupancy for our partners by increasing their Online Visibility. We get our partner hotels seen & booked by more customers more often.
We are able to accomplish this because we are Pricing experts.
1. We first work to achieve a 100% property page score on Expedia & Booking. com. We ensure your
written and image content is up to date and gives the information that interests your travelers the
2. We study the massive amount of data Expedia, & offers for your
market and then design a game plan according to what will work best for your property.
We take advantage of the Expedia & Promotions and Campaigns and choose the ones
that will work in your favor. We have several years of experience working with Extranets.
3. Our well thought out strategies will increase your visibility & steal business from your competitors.
4. We study your data weekly and take a deep dive at the end of each month. We perfect our game
plan to widen the margin between you and the competition.
5. We have additional sites we will enhance and partner your hotel with if needed. A few examples
include: Trivago, Hotwire, Trip Advisor, Hotel Planner, Sojern, Hotel Tonight, Hotels by Day, Hotel Beds
and more! We have a full understanding of how to get them to work in your favor.
Price: $399/month. Property Management System Integration plays a factor in pricing.
There is No lengthy contract. We offer our service on a month to month basis and can be cancelled any time.